This episode is dedicated to all the truth seekers and especially to those of us who have a hard time figuring out...
... what the heck is the truth!?
... how do I figure out if this is true for me?
... how do I find out what's the right thing for me?
Marta explores the Human Guidance System and the three Intelligence Centers.
She also dives into the Universal Truth: Your Body Knows the Truth.
The answer is already within You, it may just take (quite) some scratching the surface to find out what it is and there are a few interesting tools to support yourself in the process:
Recommended Books: "The Emotion Code" and "The Body Code" by Bradley Nelson
In this episode, Marta and Anna explore the great question: Which reality is real?... ... all the way until they actually split into two...
Dear Listener, Welcome to the second part of our exploration of the great question: Which reality is real? In this episode Marta and Anna...
Feeling kind of low on energy? Have you been visiting the depressive states of mind a bit more recently? Welcome to an episode where...